The ISU continually work towards a better future for you. As well as fighting for your rights behind the scenes we also run campaigns to help bring certain hot topics to light and assist members who might be having issues.
See below for our current campaigns

July is Group B Strep Awareness month. Group B Strep Support have supplied us with information on Group B Strep and offer support if you or someone you know has been affected by Group B Streptococcus, the UK’s most common cause of life-threatening infection in newborn babies, and of meningitis in babies under age 3 months.

This week is Anti-Bullying Week (11th – 15th November 2019), a fitting time to focus on an issue that continues to cause our people such severe, needless damage and distress.
Bullying has no place in our offices, no place in our lives. It’s scarcely credible we still need to say this in 2019. However the volume of membership cases we see leaves no possible doubt. Bullying is not only still with us but, if anything, more pervasive than as ever.

Today is World Menopause Day, a global call to improve awareness and support for women facing health issues due to the menopause. We are delighted to add our voices to that call. We know many members endure awful menopausal symptoms, often for years, with very little support from your employer. This causes many – often very sensitive – issues at work and too often help, support and understanding seem beyond reach.