Where did it all begin?
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35 years old and still going strong
Founded on 4th December 1981, we are a established union for people working in Border Force, Customs and Immigration for 35 years.

Where are we and who works there?Our Headquaters
Our HQ is located in the historic port town of Harwich, Essex. It has been the national HQ of the ISU since ? Our NEC meetings are held here every six weeks. There are currently two full time members of staff at HQ and the building is also used for local BEC meetings and training events.
Intuitive Options
Our intuitive options allow you to quickly and easily customize your web site.Interfaces Matter
Options are useless without a clear understanding of what they do. We include intuitive, easy to use options.Responsive
No matter what screen size or device, your content will look amazing.Looks Amazing
Your content matters most, and needs to be accessible anywhere, anytime. This happens with our framework.
As Well As Covering The UK, We Also Help Members Worldwide.
We Thrive Ourselves On Creativity, Intuition & Determination.
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