Health and Safety
Health and Safety at work can be vastly underestimated on how much an impact it can have on your daily work life. The ISU have dedicated Health and Safety representatives to keep up to date with the latest changes in legislation, terms and conditions and forms that should be filled in when it comes to reporting hazards and incidents.

Our members work in diverse and sometimes dangerous areas. From controlling violent detainees to dealing with passengers exposed to communicable diseases. Our members work in environments that vary from Cutters operating offshore to beneath the English Channel controlling Eurostar or Shuttle services. This leaves our members exposed to health and safety risks. Furthermore the Department’s consistent prioritisation of queue busting over staff welfare means that members are continually asked to deliver more with fewer staff or breaks.
The following can all constitute Health and Safety incidents:
- Slips, trips and falls, caused by hazards or improper PPE
- Verbal or physical assault
- Exposure to hazardous material, chemicals, fumes or diseases
- Muscular or Skeletal injury caused by improper working conditions or deployment models

Reporting Health and Safety Incidents
If you are involved in a Health and Safety incident then it is important that it is reported. An Online Accident and Incident Report must be completed. (The form is only available when viewing the website whilst logged into Horizon)
The department will not acknowledge that an incident has happened unless it has been reported.
Your manager must give you time away from the control to report the incident.
If you are unable to complete the report then it becomes the duty manager’s responsibility to complete it.
When you are involved in a Health and Safety incident it can be traumatic. The ISU has experience in your work environment and will stand with you.
- If you miss time from work then our Reps can assist with return to work or attendance meetings.
- If you suffer a loss of earnings as a result of an accident or injury at work then our caseworkers can assist you to reclaim money.
- The ISU are the only Home Office Trade Union to offer financial assistance if you lose SDA or AHW payments due to sickness.
- All members of the ISU are insured against loss of earnings due to accidents at work or at home.
- The ISU has a proven track record of representing our members with everything from attendance hearings to personal injury cases.
If you have any concerns speak to a rep or contact [email protected]